Booster Club
Support Timberlake High School & Join the Booster Club Today
The Timberlake Booster Club is an adult (parents, patrons, business) group that supports activities for ALL students who attend Timberlake High, Timberlake Junior High, Athol Elementary, and Spirit Lake Elementary - academic as well as athletic activities. Much of this support is in the form of fund-raising, memberships, logo item sales (apparel) and concessions. These funds are disbursed by the vote of the members at monthly meetings to help purchase equipment and supplies not included in the school budget, activities that students attend that need financial help, etc. All requests are considered.
$10.00 Individual Membership gives you voting rights. $25.00 Business Membership gives you voting rights and you receive a certificate for your place of business. $50.00 TJHS Membership gives you 2 Booster Passes (with names) for all TJHS home games. Excluding tournaments. $100.00 THS Membership gives you voting rights and 2 Booster Passes (with names) for all home games. Excluding tournaments. $150.00 Combo Century Pass gives you voting rights and 2 Booster Passes (with names) for all home (THS & TJHS) games. Excluding tournaments. $175.00 Century Business Membership gives you voting rights and 2 Booster Club Passes that provided entrance to all home games (THS & TJHS)for you and anyone you allow to use the card. Excluding tournaments.
Note: If you are a Booster Member for the year and you have a senior student he/she could be eligible for the Timberlake Booster Club Scholarship. Applications are handed out towards the end of the school year to students whose parents are members.
Timberlake Boosters meet at TLHS - 6:30 on the first Wednesday of the following months: October, February, and April. Contact Peggy Cutler for information regarding meetings in August, December and June. Questions: You can call Peggy at 683-2680.
Applications are available in the office. |